Rockany Plus Construction Chemical
Rockany Plus Chemicals manufactures a comprehensive range of construction chemicals and coating in U.A.E. This long record of successful installations and unequaled products quality assure the highest level of performance in the construction industry. Rockany Plus Chemicals products are formulated to high standards and conform to BS, ASTM, DIN and LEED specifications.
What are the products we offer to customers?
Our Quality Policy
Our Enviromentally Products
– Products that do not cause dust during application and storing,
-Products that are resistant to mould growth in wet areas,
-Products in which recycled materials are used as raw materials,
-Light products.
Our Enviroment Policy
Whilst our company desires to attain sustainable growth, it is targeting to continuously improve the negative effects of our production operations and other processes on a clean environment. Thus, the following are our company’s environmental policies:
– To consume economically such natural resources like power, water and fuel,
– To take precautions to minimize the waste from our operations,
– To get prepared against environmental accidents via an emergency management system,
– To make all our personnel and suppliers aware of environmental issues by training,
– To target minimal environmental impact while designing our processes and products,
– To comply with laws and regulations regarding the environment and fulfill the requirements of responsible care.
Our Occupational Healthy Policy
Whilst our company desires to attain a sustainable growth, it provides a healthy and safe living and work environment in order to protect human beings as the most important asset who performs all our operations. Thus, the following are our company’s job health and job safety policies:
– Continuously reduce the risks in order to attain zero job accident and vocational disease by assessing risks and taking protective measures,
– To make periodic research in job accident and vocational disease issues,
– To protect human health while designing our processes and products,
– To raise the awareness of our personnel and suppliers about job safety by training courses,
– To be prepared for emergency (fire, earthquake etc.) at all times,
– To motivate our suppliers to create a safer work environment and to comply with laws and regulations,
– To take measures in order to ensure safety of suppliers and guests within the boundaries of the plant,
– To comply with laws and regulations regarding job health and safety and fulfill the requirements of responsible care.